Yeshua's Flogging

Yeshua's Flogging.jpg
Yeshua's Flogging.jpg

Yeshua's Flogging


etching/aquatint/drypoint, image size 27x10.5cm, edition of 30 printed onto somerset paper 300gsm

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Yeshua’s Flogging or more commonly in art “The Flagellation of Christ”, Christ at the Column or the Scourging at the Pillar, is an episode from the Passion of Jesus as presented in the Gospels. As such, it is frequently shown in Christian art, in cycles of the Passion or the larger subject of the Life of Christ. Catholic tradition places the Flagellation at the beginning of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, and the modern alternate Stations of the Cross locate it at the fourth station; it represents a Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary. The column to which Christ is normally shown to be tied, and the rope, scourge, whip or birch are elements in the Arma Christi.